This first entry in this weblog is really not a first. Folks who know me will have seen me out and about on the Internet since the early 1990s when I was very active in various forums, though I can't think of a single one dealing with pipes at the time. My thoughts are out there all over the Internet, so this isn't really a first post. Perhaps, more appropriately, this would be an "inaugural weblog post"?
My hope for this weblog is to use it for announcements and news items, since it should be a little more convenient than updating my website proper, and for general musings on stuff that interests me. I won't exactly be confining this just to pipes and tobacco, I've got rather diverse interest after all. I will not, however, be using to air dirty laundry or whine about stuff - I'll leave that to the teenagers and the folks that act like teenagers.
I expect I'll probably post here a few times a week, and I'll also be doing away with the news page on my site and substituting this content for that. See you here!